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Vets Opinion

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A short note from two of our referring Veterinary Surgeons who are also our clients
Camilla Krogsrud MRCVS:
I have been swimming my dog with Bex at Canine plus ever since I joined Alver Veterinary Group in 2008. Leopald, my 7 year old Rhodesian ridgeback has struggled with a minor spinal problem and the change after he started hydrotherapy has been remarkable! He has become very light on his feet and in addition he has lost 5 kgs (nearly a stone) and I never even knew he had anything to lose.
The main reason for starting hydrotherapy with Leo was as a preventative point of view, as I see osteo-arthritis being a major problem in older, large breeds. However, I never expected my dog to appear younger each year!
Leo is not particularly fond of water, so the first few sessions took a lot of patience and muscles to get him in the pool but once we discovered he has a soft spot for green squeaky balls, he now walks up the ramp and into the pool without any discussion!
The fact that Bex is a veterinary nurse with many years experience is also reassuring for me as a referring vet and for my clients. I see firsthand in my job the huge benefits of hydrotherapy in many different situations, weight loss, convalescence post surgery and osteo-arthritis to name a few. Bex will be able to create a program perfectly designed for each and every pet.


Jan Greaker MRCVS:


Through my job as a Veterinary Surgeon I deal with a lot of orthopaedic assessment and radiographic diagnostics. After witnessing the benefits and improving effects of routine hydrotherapy following skeletal surgery and for the treatment of conditions such as osteo-arthritis I recommend and refer clients to Canine plus on a regular basis.

I personally take my 5 year old rescue dog on a weekly basis to Canine plus for general fitness swims in order to keep her fit and as a great alterative form of exercise, it has improved her muscle function and body leanness.

If you pet is struggling with a bit of excessive weight or has mobility issues I would strongly encourage you to see ‘hydro Bex’ for a chat and perhaps a dip in the pool.


Both Jan and Camilla have returned to their native Norway but having become good friends over the years, keep in close contact with Bex and Simon and even made their first trip back to the UK in April 2017 for Bex and Simon's wedding day! 

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