Bex is the full time hydrotherapist at CaNine plus and has completed the Level 3 Certificate in Small
Animal Hydrotherapy and the Advanced Certificate in Veterinary Physiotherapy. Bex also completed the Advanced Water
treadmill course.
CaNINE plus is also a full member of the CHA (Canine Hydrotherapy Association).
We installed our Hydrophysio HP200 water treadmill in June 2011 following much interest in water
treadmill therapy as an alternative to pool based sessions. Three years later in 2014 we upgraded the HP200 for an HP300
model. The HP300 is the longer base hydrophysio model allowing more room for the larger breeds to achieve a full stride
length and more room for a therapist to facilitate movement when working in the water treadmill with the patient.
The water treadmill is considered by many therapists to be particularly
useful in post surgical cases (including spinal cases), neurological conditions such as CDRM, any case where gait re-education
is needed, cases that do not achieve optimum movement in a hydrotherapy pool and cases that are water phobic. There are also
cases where other medical conditions may require a water treadmill rather than hydrotherapy pool such as laryngeal paralysis.
All our
sessions are 40 minutes long, although a longer session is allocated for a first visit. This allows your dog
to familiarise itself with our staff and a new environment, and for us to assess your pet. A veterinary referral is
needed for all dogs attending hydrotherapy but we will contact your vet directly for this, don’t worry if your
vet has not recommended hydrotherapy directly, we will liaise with them to see if they feel hydrotherapy will benefit
your pet.
The water is maintained at 30 degrees Celsius, and the water
is passed through a sand filter. Bromine is added to maintain a clean and safe environment. The water is tested 2-3 times
a day in line with CHA regulations using a photometer, and chemical levels are adjusted accordingly. We have a shower
to allow us to rinse the dogs prior to and after the session and a blaster to allow us to dry each dog.